
Monday, May 12, 2014

To enroll in a class as an existing user:

  1. Log into Turnitin with a student user profile
  2. Click on the "enroll in a class" tab on the student homepage
  3. Enter the class ID and enrollment password for the new class
  4. Click "submit" to enroll in the class and add it to the student user homepage

To create a user profile:

  1. Go to and click on the "Create Account" link next to the "Log In" button
  2. Click on the "Student" link in the "Create a New Account" section
  3. The "Create a New Turnitin Student Account" form must be completed to create a new student user account
  4. Enter the class ID number and the case sensitive Turnitin class enrollment password
  5. Enter the user first name, last name, and a valid e-mail address to use as the login for Turnitin
  6. Create a user password. The user password must be between six and twelve characters long and contain at least one letter and one number.
  7. Re-enter the password to confirm it
  8. Select a secret question from the drop-down menu. Enter the answer for the question. Remember and keep this information.
  9. Review the user agreement. To continue using Turnitin, click on "I agree -- create profile"
Note: If step 6 indicates that the e-mail provided is already in Turnitin, there is an existing profile under the e-mail you entered. Please use the Resetting Your Password instructions, if the password has been forgotten, to gain access to the user profile if you had a previously existing Turnitin user profile, or use an alternate e-mail address for your Turnitin access.

To login to Turnitin:

  1. Go to
  2. At the top right, click the "Log In" button to go to the login page
  3. Enter the e-mail address and password associated with your Turnitin student user account in the appropriate fields
  4. Click the "Log In" button to log into the student homepage

Resetting Your Password

If a Turnitin user password is forgotten or the initial user welcome e-mail is not received, the password can be reset via secret question or e-mail. To reset a password via e-mail, the user information must contain a valid e-mail address. Turnitin cannot send password reset information to any other e-mail.

E-mail password reset:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the "Log In" button to go to the login page
  3. Click on the "Reset Password" link below the login fields.
  4. Enter the e-mail address associated with a Turnitin user profile and your last name. Click on the "Next" button
  5. An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password
  6. From the email that was sent to you, click on the password reset link or paste it into your browser
  7. On the password reset page, you must enter a new password and log into Turnitin using the e-mail and new password for your profile
  8. Enter a new password and confirm it. Click on the 'Next" button
  9. Click on the link to return to the homepage, then log in as usual.
Warning: If you do not receive the e-mail containing the password reset link, make certain that the e-mail service is not filtering this e-mail to spam or junk mail. Add to the e-mail contact list or contact your e-mail service for more information on ensuring this important password reset e-mail is able to be received.

-from " Student Training

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